Re: CognitionSong

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From Wed Nov 19 11:29:15 1997
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 13:23:04 -0500 (EST)
From: Dan Horn 
To: cog/
Subject: RE: CognitionSong

Hey folks, due to the Damasio lecture, this week's happy hour is
cancelled.  And stop replying to All!!!

on Wednesday at 5:15 ( wrote:

Please remove me from your stupid list

>on Wednesday at 4:07 ( wrote:
> Why am I getting all this stupid e-mail.  I don't even
> like cognitive psychology!  Please remove me from this list
>>on Wednesday at 3:45 ( wrote:
>> I don't want to receive any more of this e-mail.  Please remove me
>> from this list.
>>>on Wednesday at 2:55 ( wrote:
>>> If you want to be removed from this list, don't send e-mail to
>>> everyone.  Instead, find the original sender, and threaten that 
>>> person's life.
>>> ITD Guy
>>>>on Wednesday at 2:40 ( wrote:
>>>> I don't think that people should complain about this list.
>>>> If one person learned about "cognitionsong" then it was 
>>>> worth it.  It sounds like an exciting experience, even though I would
>>>> rather not attend, and would like to be removed from this list.
>>>>>on Wednesday at 2:33 ( wrote:
>>>>>This is stupid.  I hate you all.  Remove me from this list you
>>>>>evil people.  By the way, you spelled inconsiderate wrong you moron.
>>>>>>on Wednesday at 2:25 ( wrote:
>>>>>>The peopel whoo correct other people are even more incinsiderate
>>>>>>then the ones who starded the message.
>>>>>>>on Wednesday at 2:30 ( wrote:
>>>>>>>Not only don't I want to go, but you neglected to add a period
>>>>>>>to the final sentence.  Please remove me from this list.
>>>>>>>>on Wednesday at 2:15 Travis Seymour ( wrote:
>>>>>>>> To:,,
>>>>>>>> Subject: CognitionSong:  A Tribute to Working Memory
>>>>>>>> CognitionSong:  A Tribute to Working Memory
>>>>>>>> The Department of Psychology is proud to present the musical 
>>>>>>>> stylings of Travis Seymour, in his one man show "CognitionSong."
>>>>>>>> Travis is a multi-talented actor/singer/songwriter/poet who will
>>>>>>>> please and delight you with is exciting tribute to Working
>>>>>>>> Memory.
>>>>>>>> This performance will include Travis playing the electronic 
>>>>>>>> Phonological Loop, as he sings his heartwarming rendition of 
>>>>>>>> "The The The The The The The: The Suppression Song."
>>>>>>>>  You are all invited to attend this exciting event on Wednesday
>>>>>>>>  at 5pm
>>>>>>>>  Thank you!
>>>>>>>>     TT      RR    RR   AA AA    VVV   VVV       III    SS   SS
>>>>>>>>     TT      RR   RR   AA   AA    VVV VVV        III     SSS
>>>>>>>>     TT      RRRRRR    AAAAAAA     VVVVV         III       SSS
>>>>>>>>     TT      RR   RR   AA   AA      VVV          III    SS   SS
>>>>>>>>     TT      RR   RR   AA   AA       V         IIIIIII   SSSSS

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